We can help you with these issues....
We work, live and socialize in your community. We understand that you have just had your world turned upside down. Let us help you understand what is happening and how to solve your issues in the most efficient and cost effective manner. We know that you have many concerns and questions and we are here to answer them. Deal with a local lawyer you can meet and trust. Our lawyers will make you feel at ease-there is no need to worry when your case is in our hands. You will get to know your lawyer and he will be the one who will always answer your questions, address your concerns, and be by your side in Court!
We are experienced attorneys that have handled many criminal charges for our clients. We practice in all of the New Jersey State Courts and in most of the municipal courts in the state. If you are charged with a crime or disorderly persons offense-we can help.
Our experience includes the defense of CDS/Drug Possession and Distribution; Sexual Assault; Theft; Assault; Burglary and all of the offenses that arise under the Criminal Laws of the State of New Jersey.
If you are charged with a crime call us to prepare you for the case and ensure that your rights have been protected. While many say that the Victims have rights, as a defendant you have Constitutional Rights that must be protected.
Auto Accident, A Fall Down on ice and snow or sidewalks and steps, product defects, assaults, dog bites- Any of these can leave you permanently injured or disfigured. These complex cases need an attorney that can deal with you on a personal level and still be wise enough and shrewd enough to deal with the insurance companies and their claims adjusters who see every claim as a fraud!
Consult with us and see what a difference we can make in your life. You have already been a victim of an injury-don' get victimized again by an insurance company! Let us deal with your case and get you the full amount of money to which you are entitled! You need a firm that will protect you and maximaize any recovery. Let us help you.
​It is often said that a citizen's only interaction with a Court happens in Municipal Court. While true that does not make it any less intimidating or complex. Whether you are charged with a Traffic Offense or a Disorderly Persons Offense we are here to help. We will meet you before your court date so that the attorney you hire and meet is the one who will go to court with you. No stranger in the hall way shouting out your name to find you! That, and the direct mail solicitations embarrass not only you but us as professionals. Deal with a professional who will treat you as a client and not a direct mail coupon clipper.
Your decision to buy a home is difficult enough-you don't need to stress about who will protect your interests in the transaction. We have closed hundreds of real estate transactions and get most of our real estate business from old clients, their family and friends. An ATTORNEY will guide you through the process, not a para-legal, administrative assistant or real estate secretary.
Beware of "low ball" pricing by others who have a very low legal fee published-no attorney will handle the file until actual closing, or worse yet, will pass through many a la carte costs so that in the end your bill resembles nothing to the original cost you anticipated. With us you get up front costs and fees quoted.
If you are hurt at work Call us! We will guide you through the process known as Worker's Compensation. This includes the Payment to you of Temporary Total Disability benefits while you are out of work and under a doctors care. It also will require your employer to pay for all of your medical treatment without having to use your own money for deductibles or co-pays.
Finally, in the event that a doctor determines that you have reached maximum medical benefit and you have a lingering disability or condition that may entitle you to a payment of permanent disability according to the Workers' Compensation laws in New Jersey.
The most important thing that you can do if you are injured at work is to immediately report the injury, no matter how slight initially, to your employer. NEVER take an employers' advice to hide a work related injury and bill its treatment through you health insurance.
Call us to discuss your rights and the obligations of your employer in the event that you are injured at work.